donderdag 24 juni 2010

I don't think this needs any further explanation....

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maandag 21 juni 2010

Electric cars.....

Please watch:

How many discussions can you have about electric cars.I find it really amusing to hear all the arguments that people have for not driving electric. What I find really irritating is the fact that most of the people who try to convince me that my electric car is as bad for the environment as a Hummer (how can you even believe that), do not have any answers on alternative solutions. They are great at indicating that electric is not good, but completely close their eyes for the fact that if we do not move we will run out of oil in 50 years or less.

Anyway, with my car charging on solar and wind power, I am convinced I am doing the right thing. And driving a Tesla is definitely no punishment! What an unbelievable car to drive!

If you are interested in driving an electric car in the Netherlands, please check out They will make it very easy for you. I know that from my own experience.

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zaterdag 19 juni 2010

Feeling great

Just went to a party I really did not want to go to... Turned out to be a fantastic evening with great people. Life is whatever you make of it. Thank you!!

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Boom!! it hit me!

I woke up this morning and was playing around with my iPad. Looked in the iTunes store, and ended up with a name on my screen of a singer I did not know. Roos Jonker. Dutch singer. “ How good can this be...” I thought.... Until I hit the play sample button. Unbelievable! I immediately bought the album. Fabulous!!
Pasted Graphic

zondag 13 juni 2010

Age of Greatness!!!

I am really tired of the negative way we seem to address everything these days. Yes, we do have to make this world more sustainable, but does it also mean we have to keep painting a very negative picture of our future? I really believe that we are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy if we continue down this path. Therefore: “The Age of Greatness!” Let’s develop a story together on how we have created our future. A wonderful future where we do understand how we are connected with everything around us!


A few weeks ago I went on a very short trip to Spitsbergen. An unbelievable environment. Being so close to untouched nature makes you feel humble, and makes you realize we are no more than visitors on this planet. If we treat our planet right, we can visit for a long time.

Spitsbergen 023 (1)